- National Board of Directors, District V (elected), 2022-2024
- Division V Caucus chair, 2019-2024
- National Commitee on Committees (elected), 2020-2021
- National Committee on Nominations and Elections (elected), 2014-2016, 2017-2019
- Secretary (elected), 2017, 2018, 2019
- Chair, Subcommittee on Leadership Sustainability, 2016-2019
- National Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (CEPA), member 2007 - 2013; Chair 2011-2013 (statutory limit)
- Chair, Professional Program Development Subcommittee, 2008-2010. Networking for Life editorial.
- Subcommittee on Standards and Ethics, member, 2008-2010.
- Entrepreneurial Advisory Board Chair, 2014
- Business Management and Development Division
- Career Management and Development Presenter, 2002-present.
- Certified Master Facilitator, 2012-present
- National Tour Speaker, 2006-2017
- Chair, ACS Entrepreneurial Advisory Board, Entrepreneurial Resources Center (ERC), 2014
- St Louis Local Section
- Councilor (elected), 2007 - 2021.
- Career Resource Coordinator, 2003 - present
- Received ChemLuminary "Best Local Section Career Program Award" for 2003, 2004, 2011, 2014.
- Boy Scouts of America/Girl Scouts Coordinator, 2003 - present
- Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic Coordinator, 2003-present.
- Annual events at multiple locations, with over 1,000 youth participating to date
- Girl Scout events for Brownies, Cadets, and Senior girls
- From Little Acorns, Big Trees Grow
- Steering Committee, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017
- Chair, 2002
- Winner, Outstanding Performance by Local Section Large Size Category
- Winner, Outstanding Kids & Chemistry Program
- Finalist, Best Activity or Program in a Local Section Stimulating Membership Involvement Award
- Finalist, Most Innovative Use of Technology

Elsa Reichmanis (ACS President), Lisa Balbes accepting Outstanding Local Section Award, Yorke Rhodes (Chair, LS Activities committee).
(Photo Courtesy of Thatch Photography) |
- Treasurer, St Louis Section, 2005, 2006
- WebMaven St Louis Section, 1996 - 2004. Received Salute to Excellence Award for Outstanding Service
- News Media Coordinator, 2000-2001
- Director, St Louis Section, 2000
- Exposition co-Chair, Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting, 2011
- Professional Relations Division
- Newsletter Editor, 2007 - 2015
- Moved newsletter from paper-based postal mailing to electronic delivery, significantly decreasing both delivery time and costs
- Executive Committee, member at large, 2008-2014
- Chemical Information Division
- Chair, Career Committee, 2006-2008
- Computers in Chemistry Division
- Co-chaired 2-day Session "Bridging the Gap: Theoretical Chemistry to Drug Design" for National ACS Meeting in New Orleans, August 1999
- Founder and Chair, Computational Chemistry Discussion Group St Louis Section, 1996-1999
- Career Consultant, April 1993 - present
Attended training sessions in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- While in the Columbus, Ohio Section:
- Local Section Public Relations Chair 1993, 1994
- Nominating Committee Chair 1994
- National Chemistry Week Committee 1992-1995
- Webmaster, 2013-present
- St Louis Freelancers Luncheon Coordinator, 2003-present
- Member, 2010 to present
- Manager, Consultants and Independent Contractor's Special Interest Group, St Louis, 2003-Present
- Publications Competition co-chair, 2004
- Chair, Corporate Sponsor Committee, St Louis, 2001-2003
- Member 1994 to 2012
- STEM @ the Summit, 2025 July 9-12, Lead Organizer and Instructor
- Silver Antelope Award, recognizing "Scouters of exceptional character in their territory for their distinguished service to youth", Boy Scouts of America, 2024.
- Silver Beaver Award Recipient, 2014.
- National Scouts BSA Committee, 2021 - present
- Advancement Lead, 2021 - present
- National STEM in Scouting Committee, 2014 - 2022 (committee disbanded)
- Supernova Subcommittee chair, 2015 - 2016
- Program Subcommittee chair, 2016 - 2020
- Taught STEM classes at National Outdoor Conference at Philmont Training Center, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021
- Taught STEM @ the Summit, week-long youth course in 2015, 2016, 2018
- Taught STEM-Tastic, week-long course for adults at Philmont Training Center, 2018, 2019
- National Advancement Advisory Panel, 2012 - 2016
- Greater St Louis Area Council (GSLAC)
- Nova Counselor and Supernova Mentor, 2012-present
- Individually worked with youth (28 and counting) on challenging requirements, including two Einstein Supernova recipients
- Greater St Louis Area Council (GSLAC) STEM Committee, 2012 - present
- ViceChair, 2018 - present
- Taught STEM-Tastic Weeekend in the Central Region, 2019
- Boy Scout STEM Nova Chair, 2012-2017
- Dean, Boy Scout College, STEM University, 2012-2017
- FrightFest Slime Demos, 2013-present
- Cub Scout Day One Experiments, 2014
- Co-Dean, Technology College, University of Scouting, 2014.
- ScoutCircle webinar on STEM/Nova Program 2013 Jan 13
- STEM fest Co-Chair, as one of seven program areas for ScoutFest 2021. Cancelled by COVID-19.
- Council Advancement Committee
- ViceChair of Eagle Boards, 2018 - present
- Member, 2015 - present
- Author team for "The Spirit Within", history of the Greater St Louis Area Council from 1976-2012
- Wood Badge Staff, C3-312-16-2, Fall 2016, New Troop Guide.
- New Horizons District
- STEM Co-Chair, 2020 - present
- Gold Level District 2021 (inaugural year), 2022, 2023, 2024
- Scouting For Food Firehouse Coordinator, 2021
- Advancement Chair, 2015 - 2017
- District Award of Merit recipient, 2011
- Eagle Boards of Review, Oct 2008 - present
- Eagle Board of Reviewer of the Year, 2023
- Boy Scout Adult Leader Training Staff, 2012 - present
- Cub Scout Adult Leader Training Staff, 2009 - 2014
- Merit Badge counselor for Chemistry, Personal Management, Citizenship in the World, Scouting Heritage, and Scholarship, 2004-present
- National Jamborees
- 2023 July 18-28, The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, WV,
- Director, STEM Quest - Assembled and led a team of over 155 dedicated Scouters to build and staff 23 activity tents of STEM activities that were visited over 32,00 times during the event. Created and administered Jamboree Nova Award, earned by 452 Scouts. Raised over $82K through STEMy Stuff to fund STEM Quest.
- 2021 July 13-17, Telescopium at SBR. Attended to plan future Jamborees.
- CANCELLED by COVID - 2021 July 15-29, The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, WV, Innovative Program Lead
- 2017 July 19-28, The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, WV
- Director, STEM Quest - Lead a team of almost 450 volunteers and 40+ program partners/activity areas, with close to 100,000 engagements in STEM-related activities, in a 6-acre field on top of a mountain
- Chemistry Merit Badge Fundraising Chair
- 2013 July 15 - 24, The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, WV
- 2010 July 26 - Aug 4 Fort AP Hill, Virginia
- Chemistry Merit Badge Staff
- Communications Committee Chair, National Jamboree Troop 1114
- World Jamborees
- 2019 July, STEM Curriculum Developer, Centro Mondial. Ensured STEM activities were incorporated into all aspects of program.
- 2007 Communications Coordinator, World Scout Jamboree Troop 311
- Order of the Arrow (OA)
- Vigil Honor 2019.
- Silver Arrowhead 2016
- Brotherhood 2014
- Ordeal 2012
- National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2024, University of Colorado, Contingent Leader and STEM instructor
- National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2022, University of Tennessee, Contingent Leader and STEM instructor
- National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) 2018, Indiana University, Training Staff, STEM 2.0
- Elangomat 2014, 2016, 2018.
- Adviser to Lodge Handbook Revision Committee, 2014.
- Friends of Scouting Campaign
- GSLAC Council Family Friends of Scouting Chair, 2014.
- New Horizons District Family Friends of Scouting Campaign.
- Chair, 2010 - 2013
- Led team of 60+ volunteers in 135+ presentations each year, to collect donations exceeding $650,000 over three years
- Vice-Chair, New Horizons District, 2009 - 2010
- Crew Chief, 2008 - 2010
- Trailblazer, 2006 - present
- Gateway Region
- College of Commissioner Science, Faculty (STEM in Scouting for Commissioners), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024.
- Scouts BSA Troop 352
- Assistant Scoutmaster - Eagle Coach, July 2021 - present
- Assistant Scoutmaster - Advancement, Nov 2010 - July 2021
- Advancement Coordinator, Aug 2003 - Nov 2010
- Treasurer, Cub Scout Pack 352, 2003 - 2004
- Webmaster, Gateway Chapter, 2023 - present.
- CyberWorkshop Committee Technical Coordinator, 2003 - 2005
- Editor, NeedleNotes, bimonthly newsletter for the Gateway Chapter, 1999-2001
- Charter member, National Internet Committee, 1996 - 2000
- FAQ maintainer, 1996 - 2000
- Publicity and Public Relations Committee, 2000 - 2003
- Monday night shift supervisor, 2013 - present.
- Weekly evening shelter volunteer, Sept 2005 - present
- Park Board, 2008 - 2014
- Finance subcommittee, 2008 - 2014
- Naming Committee, Chair, 2009
- Kirkwood High School Library
- Weekly volunteer, 2005 - 2012
- Received "Ancient Order of the Book Worm" Award, 2010
- Board Member, Friends of the KPL, 2007-2010
- Chapter and Verse Newsletter Editor, 2009-2010
- Nominating Committee, 2008
- Webmaven, 2004 - 2010
- Homebound Patron Program volunteer, 2003-2010
- Alumni and Parents Admission Program (interviewing prospective students)
- Member 1998 - 2011. (Leave of Absence 2009)
- Chair, St Louis South Committee, 2002 - 2008
- Turning the Tables (Feeding Future Alumni), 2000-2001
- Charter Board Member
- Board Member, 1997 through 2003
- Board Member Emeritus 2004-present
- Chair, 1999 , 2000, and 2001 Awards Committees
- Expert Review Committee, 2000
Session Chair for the QSAR "Nuts and Bolts" session in 1995 and "New Trends II" Session in 1997
- Stitching personalized samplers for new homes