Lisa's Needlework Gallery


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These are pieces that I've done over the last few years, of which I'm particularly proud.

Article about my 2003 State Fair winning pieces.

Thumbnail Type of Needlework Details
Silk Gauze This piece was stiched with silk threads on 40 stitches to the inch silk gauze. It won second place for a charted project in ANG's national needlework competition in 2000.
small jpg of Green Lantern Counted Cross Stitch: worked from a chart on plain linen fabric I charted this from my husband's favorite comic book cover, Green Lantern #40 (July 1965). The chart was his birthday present in 1992, it took almost 5 years to stitch.
Needlepoint Like Father, Like Son. Alex designed this belt, and I stitched it for him.
small jpg of embroidery fan Pulled thread: stitching is pulled tight to open holes in the fabric This piece was based on the pattern "M'Lady's Treasures", by Linda Driskell, and won 2nd place in the 1995 Kelton House competition.
small jpg of hardanger piece Hardanger: a norwegian form of cutwork, where some threads are removed from the fabric, and a pattern stitched into those that remain. This piece is loosely based on "Card Tricks", by Elegant Needle, and uses the standard kloister blocks around the outer edges and dove's eyes (blue), spiderwebs (burgandy), greek crosses (tan) and square fillets (green) as the filling stitches.
jpg of assisi peacock Assisi Embroidery: a form of cross stitch, where the background is worked and the design is formed in the canvas that is left unstitched. Patterns are usually of birds and animals, and stitched in a single color (or a few shades of one color). This peacock was done as a gift for my mother.
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of smocked bib Smocking: embroidery done on pleated fabric. This bib was a gift for a friend's baby, my first and so far only attempt at smocking.
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of blackwork blanket
Detail showing both front and back
Blackwork: repeating geometric patterns and can be worked so the front and back are identical. This blanket was a gift for my neice on her birth. Each square is a different pattern and color, and each is reversible. I also pulled some of the colors into the fringe on the edges.
small jpg of tatted bookmark Tatting: a series of knots, usually done with one thread Snowflake, done with #12 metallic braid.
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of canvas wreath Charted Canvas: a type of needlepoint This is a Neon Flamingo (Pat Timpanaro) design, modified slightly to include more red. Each square is a different stitch, and combination of fibers. The bows in the corner were hand-painted by David McCaskill, then I stitched them.
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silk ribbon initial piece Silk Ribbon Embroidery: Stitches worked on the fabric's surface with silk ribbon fiber This piece was from a class I took from David McCaskill.
Wool Hooked Rug Not latch hook, this rug was made with 3/8" wide strips of dyed wood fabric. It won first place in the Missouri State Fair in 2002.

Jack's Needlework Pieces

Thumbnail Type of Needlework Details
image of Jack's bookmark Cross Stitch: worked from a chart on plain linen fabric This was Jack's first needlework piece. I drew the letters on plastic canvas, and he filled them in with cross stitches. He chose the colors. It was completed on 18 January 1999, when Jack was 7.5 years old.
image of Jack's soccer ball Needlepoint on plastic canvas This project was worked as a sample piece for one of the first ANG Kids projects. It was completed on 18 January 1999, when Jack was 7.5 years old.
Sewing Monopoly

Jack and Alex made this for me for Christmas 2003

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