Silver Antelope, recognizing "Scouters of exceptional character in their territory for their distinguished service to youth", Boy Scouts of America, 2024.
ACS BMGT Nexus Award, 2024.
Fellow, AAAS, 2023
For distinguished contributions to advancing the discipline of chemistry through technical writing and consulting, career development, and advancing and communicating STEM for Scouting and the public.
Eagle Board of Reviewer of the Year, New Horizons District, GLSAC, 2023.
Vigil Member, Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America, 2019.
Fellow, American Chemical Society, 2017.
Cosmos Award, STEM programs of the Greater St Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2016
Local Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year, 2016
Presented by the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society
Howard and Sally Peters Award, 2015
Presented by the ACS Division of Chemistry & the Law in recognizing achievements addressing nontraditional careers for chemists.
Best Local Section Career Program, ChemLuminary Award, 2014
Silver Beaver, Greater St Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2014
"The highest recognition a Boy Scout council can bestow on an adult volunteer leader, awarded for outstanding contributions to the Scouting program."
Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013.
E. Ann Nalley Midwest Regional Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society, 2012
Speaker's Knot, 2012 April 03
Expert Trainer, 2013 Aug 28
Proficient Trainer, 2012 Feb 07
District Committee Key, 2011 Dec 13
Best Local Section Career Program, ChemLuminary Award, 2011
District Award of Merit, New Horizons district, GSLAC, 2010
presented at District Dinner, January 27, 2011 "for outstanding service to youth beyond the expectations of the position, both inside and outside of scouting."
Distinguished Service Award, 2010
presented at Recognition Night banquet, March 12, 2011
Presented by the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society, for Exemplary Service to the section over a significant period of time.
Member Appreciation Award, 2007
Presented by the American Chemical Society Department of Career Management and Development, for "all the times when we were in a tight jam and needed help, and you stepped up. You rarely complain and you give a 110% of your effort in everything you do."
Special Achiever/Spark Plug Award, New Horizons District, 2006
Presented by Boy Scout Troop 352, as outstanding parent volunteer.
Best Local Section Career Program, ChemLuminary Award, 2004
Salute to Excellence Award
16 November 2004
Presented by the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society, it recognizes the positive impact on everyday life made by a product of chemistry, a practitioner of chemistry, or a place of importance in chemistry.
Best Local Section Career Program, ChemLuminary Award, 2003
President's Award
23 April 2003
Presented by St Louis Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication
For outstanding dedication and volunteerism on the Chapter Corporate Sponsor Committee
Outstanding Performance by a Local Section, 2002
Presented by the national American Chemical Society for activities during my term as Chair.
Service Award
19 February 2002
St Louis Web Developer's Organization
Inagural award, "In recognition and appreciation for all you have contributed over the past five years to the group"